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Institute Calendar


Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday, March 2nd, 2018
10:30am 12:00pm
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High Energy Theory Seminar

Splittability and Noether's Theorem in Quantum Field Theory
Daniel Harlow, MIT,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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IQIM Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Seminar

Scrambling in quantum spin chains
Brian Swingle, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Joint Linde Institute/SISL and Econometrics and Applied Micro Seminar: Konrad Menzel, NYU

Many-Player Asymptotics for Estimating Models of Network Formation
Konrad Menzel, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, New York University,
12:00pm 1:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

Interfacial Engineering of Quantum Materials
Shuolong Yang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute, Cornell,
1:00pm 2:00pm
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Mechanical and Civil Engineering Seminar

Stimulus-Response Behavior of Liquid Crystal Elastomers and Gels
Kenji Urayama, Professor, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan,
2:00pm 3:00pm
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Special Chemical Engineering Seminar

Aggregation-Induced Emission: From Fundamental Study to Practical Applications
Benzhong Tang, Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, Division of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST),
3:00pm 4:00pm
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GALCIT Colloquium

Self-similarity in boundary layers
Bruno Eckhardt, The Philipps University of Marburg,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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Geometry and Topology Seminar

Unoriented Cobordism Maps on Link Floer Homology
Haofei Fan, Department of Mathematics, UCLA,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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IQIM Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Seminar

Spin-coherent dot—cavity electronics
Michael Ferguson, ETH Zurich,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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"Making the Most of Limited Signals"
William (Bill) Bialek, Professor, Physics, Princeton,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Number Theory Seminar

Singular moduli for real quadratic fields
Jan Vonk, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University,