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Institute Calendar


Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday, April 15th, 2019
4:00pm 4:50pm
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Caltech/USC/UCLA Joint Topology Seminar

Bridge trisections and the Thom conjecture
Peter Lambert-Cole, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Geological and Planetary Sciences Seminar

Giant copper porphyry deposits and the making of a continent
Cin-Ty A. Lee, Professor and Department Chair, Department of Earth Science, Rice University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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High Energy Physics Seminar

A new semiclassical picture of vacuum decay
Matthew Johnson, York University & Perimeter Institute,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Inorganic-Electrochemistry Seminar

Design and Selection of Metalloenzymes and their Applications as Biocatalysts in Alternative Energies and as Biosensors in Environmental Monitoring, Medical Diagnostics and Imaging
Yi Lu, Jay and Ann Schenck Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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KELLER Colloquium in Computing & Mathematical Sciences

Role of Information and Learning in Bayesian Routing Games
Saurabh Amin, Robert N. Noyce Career Development Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
5:00pm 5:50pm
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Caltech/USC/UCLA Joint Topology Seminar

Classifying contact structures on hyperbolic 3-manifolds
James Conway, Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley,
7:00pm 8:00pm
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James Michelin Distinguished Visitors Program

Ordinary and Extraordinary Germans: Complicity and Resistance during WWII
Jessica Shattuck, American author,
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