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Institute Calendar


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Astronomy Colloquium

The Cold Molecular Medium around Distant Galaxies: Light up the Darkness!
Bjorn Emont, NRAO, Charlottesville,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar

Rain over tropical continents: linear theories, abrupt changes, and monsoons
William R. Boos, Professor, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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John D. Roberts Lecture

Perspectives on Nucleotide Research for Antiviral Drugs and Expanding Access
John Martin, Ph.D., CEO, Gilead Sciences, Inc.,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Materials Science Research Lecture

Curious Minds and Materials Discoveries
Jiaxing Huang, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Ulric B. and Evelyn L. Bray Social Sciences Seminar

Optimal Invariant Tests in an Instrumental Variables Regression With Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelated Errors
Marcelo Moreira, Professor of Economics, Fundação Getulio Vargas,