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Institute Calendar


Monday, April 10, 2006

Ongoing 10:00pm
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Monday, April 10th, 2006
8:00am Ongoing
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KNI Nanoscience Colloquium

Winnett Lounge
Biological Large-Scale Integration (BioLSI-2)
Michael Roukes, professor of physics, applied physics, and bioengineering, and director, Kavli Nanoscience Institute, Caltech,
3:00pm 3:55pm
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Computation and Neural Systems Special Seminar

Machine Learning Reductions
John Langford, research assistant professor, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago,
3:00pm 4:00pm
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Mechanical Engineering Seminar

Electrochemical Modeling and Impedance Simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Professor Wolfgang Bessler, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, University of Heidelberg, Germany,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Everhart Lecture

The Quantum Internet: How Einstein's Objection to Quantum Mechanics Leads to a Whole New Field in Physics
James Chin-Wen Chou, graduate student in physics, Caltech,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Geological and Planetary Sciences Seminar

The Stardust Mission —Analyzing Samples from the Edge of the Solar System
Don Brownlee, professor of astronomy, University of Washington,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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High Energy Physics Seminar

Baryon Number Violation and a Hidden Higgs
Professor David Kaplan, department of physics and astronomy, Johns Hopkins University,
4:00pm 5:00pm
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Inorganic-Electrochemistry Seminar

What a Difference One Electron Makes: Synthetic Strategies to Achieve Low-Coordinate Early-Transition Metal Complexes Bearing Metal-Ligand Multiple Bonds
Daniel J. Mindiola, assistant professor of chemistry, Indiana University,
4:15pm 5:00pm
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Applied Mathematics Colloquium

On the Distribution of Eigenvalues in Large Random Matrices