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Security Bulletin: Incident in Brown Gym

September 01, 2022

A staff member working alone in Brown Gym before the building opened on Wednesday, August 31 was approached by an individual who was not authorized to be in the closed facility. The individual made physical contact with the staff member. After a minor scuffle, the suspect fled the building. Officers responded and searched the area, but the suspect was not located. The staff member was not harmed.

The race/ethnicity of the suspect, who appeared to be male, is unknown, but the victim believes the individual was light skinned. The individual was described as small in stature with short hair, and was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and a blue mask.

The Pasadena Police Department (PPD) responded and took a report. Caltech Security and PPD are conducting an investigation of the incident.

Caltech Security is continuing to patrol campus to keep people and property safe and secure. However, it's important to remember the following tips for staying safe when visiting campus:

  • Lock your office doors when leaving for any amount of time.
  • Be alert and watch out for anyone trying to follow you. Trust your instincts. If someone or something makes you feel uneasy, get out or get away and call Security immediately.
  • Report individuals who try to "tailgate" to enter secure buildings and restricted areas without keys or the proper credentials by slipping in behind someone else.
  • Do not prop open exterior doors.

Your safety is our primary concern. DO NOT attempt to confront anyone you suspect is engaging in suspicious or criminal activity. Instead, report any suspicious activity to Security immediately at 626-395-5000 (x5000). If you feel uncomfortable, you can call Security for an escort on campus.