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Gifts and Gratuities

December 06, 2024

As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and public confidence, we would like to remind all employees of our policy regarding gifts and gratuities.

All employees are expected to comply with Caltech's Conflict of Interest Policy and the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986, which means we should refrain from accepting gifts, gratuities, or favors from suppliers, vendors, contractors, or any business partners. This policy is in place to ensure that all business decisions are made based on merit, fairness, and in the best interests of our organization, free from any external influence or conflicts of interest.

If you are ever offered a gift or gratuity with a market value of no more than $25 per item or event, please politely decline and inform your manager or HR immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation and for upholding the values that make Caltech a trusted and respected organization.