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Wiring the Quantum Future: Developing Interconnects for Superconducting Qubits

Friday, October 20, 2023
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Beckman Auditorium
Mohammad Mirhosseini, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics; 2022 KNI-Wheatley Scholar, Caltech,
  • Public Event

Join the Kavli Nanoscience Institute for a special lecture during Caltech's Alumni Reunion Weekend by 2022 KNI-Wheatley Scholar assistant professor of electrical engineering and applied physics Mohammad Mirhosseini. Dr. Mirhosseini will discuss his group's recent advancements in designing quantum information processing and storage systems that will support the future landscape of quantum technology.

"Wiring the Quantum Future: Developing Interconnects for Superconducting Qubits"

The union of quantum physics and information science promises revolutionary progress in our ability to communicate, compute, and sense signals. At the physical layer, quantum information processing requires systems where quantum states can be stored and manipulated in primitive building blocks known as quantum bits (qubits). 

Over the past two decades there has been significant progress in developing diverse qubit technologies, with superconducting qubits emerging as one of the front-runners. In this lecture we will discuss our research efforts at Caltech, which aims to develop innovative strategies for interconnecting these qubits, paving the way for distributed quantum computing and the establishment of quantum networks.

Mohammad Mirhosseini

Mohammad Mirhosseini is assistant professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, and is a former KNI postdoctoral scholar at Caltech. In the past he has worked on entangling distant transmon qubits via microwave waveguides and developed integrated devices for microwave-to-optical quantum transduction. The Mirhosseini lab engages in the experimental aspects of quantum engineering. His group's current research focuses on developing and combining superconducting circuits with chip-based phononic and photonic devices at milikelvin temperatures. A long-term research goal is to realize interfaces between circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics for applications in quantum computing, communication, and sensing. Mirhosseini received his PhD from the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester. His thesis work was on high-capacity quantum communication with structured photons.

About the KNI-Wheatley Scholarship in Nanoscience

The KNI-Wheatley Scholar in Nanoscience was established in 2016 as a result of a generous endowment from Caltech Distingushed Alumnus Chuck Wheatley and his wife Judy. The initiative provides $25,000 of seed funding to one tenure-track faculty member selected among candidates nominated by Division Chairs and the KNI Board members at Caltech. Early stage proof-of-concept demonstrations are often difficult to support. As envisioned, this unrestricted funding will allow junior faculty in nanoscience the flexibility to pursue novel research ideas. Learn more about KNI-Wheatley Scholars here.

For more information, please contact Tiffany Kimoto by phone at 3914 or by email at [email protected] or visit Alumni Reunion Weekend Schedule of Events.