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Why This Eclipse is Worth Traveling Across Four States to See

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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JPL, von Karman Auditorium

Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides will discuss why you shouldn't miss the April 8 total eclipse at this Caltech Management Association talk on Feb. 27 at 3 p.m. at von Karman Auditorium and on Webex.

Von Karman Auditorium — or join via Webex


On Monday April 8, 2024, a 100-mile wide shadow of the Moon will pass over North America from Mazatlan to Montreal to Maine. This Eclipse will be longer and darker than the one in 2017 and is anticipated to be the most-watched in history. Traveling over 10 major cities, the eclipse will pass over the homes of 32 million people. This talk will encourage everyone to go outside and look up — or find a way to travel to be in the Path of Totality — since the next one won't occur again in the U.S. until 2044.

Speaker Bio:

Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides is a Caltech and JPL alumna who witnessed the total eclipse in Zambia in 2001. She dove to the bottom of the ocean to film an IMAX movie with director James Cameron in 2003 and is a Virgin Galactic Founder Astronaut set to fly in 2026. Hildago Whitesides is also the co-creator of Yuri's Night, an international celebration held every April 12 to commemorate milestones in space exploration.