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Tanka and Arts Club Mid-Week Meeting + writing session + astronomy lecture

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
1:30pm to 3:30pm
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We will be reading from "red lights" , American contemporary tanka journal and other journals. Bring your own poems, and copies for comments. Tanka is a five line lyrical form, it precedes haiku, it means little son. It often embodies a leap of imagination and emotional component. Japanese poets of antiquity kept tanka dairies, travel journals, and collections that served as an expression of their lives. A discussion of tanka poetry and other poetry plus read and bring copies of your own poems. Join our friendly meeting at tables outside the Red Door Cafe. We'll also work on drawing from photos of Asian objects. Look for Kathabela's flowery hat to located the group table. New poets and listeners welcome.
For more information, please contact Kath Abela Wilson by phone at 805-886-9384 or by email at [email protected].