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Student-Faculty Conference

Thursday, February 12, 2015
10:00am to 4:30pm
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The Student-Faculty Conference is an all-day forum discussion between students and faculty about issues relating to individual majors and undergraduate life as a whole. The feedback and suggestions that come out of the SFC shape the future of the academics and student life around campus. It's held every other year as a measure of self-scrutiny and review of the Caltech education and student life. At this year's conference, there will be morning sessions on writing instruction and novel teaching techniques. In the afternoon, we will have breakout sessions for each of the undergraduate options at either 1:30PM, 2:30PM, or 3:30PM. Each option will be presenting proposed changes to their option requirments.

In the fall, ARC appoints members of SFC Committees, made of students and faculty. The committees in turn spend a year analyzing their individual aspects of academics or campus life, and present/lead a discussion on their findings on SFC. Professors also cancel classes on that day so they and their students can attend. Each SFC Committee then works to implement their recommendations and feedback from SFC, and writes a short report summarizing their year's work.

Further information about the conference, including a full schedule of the day's events and breakout locations are posted at

For more information, please contact Nima Badizadegan by email at [email protected] or visit SFC 2015.