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Special AMO Seminar

Monday, December 4, 2023
10:30am to 11:30am
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East Bridge 114
Dipole-dipole interactions between individual molecules in an optical tweezer array
Lewis Picard, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University,

Ultracold dipolar molecules can interact at long-range by virtue of their permanent molecule-frame dipole moments, which can mediate resonant exchange of molecular rotations. Our platform consists of ultracold NaCs molecules adiabatically assembled from their constituent atoms in optical tweezers. We encode a qubit in the rotational states of the molecule, using a magic ellipticity optical tweezer to protect it from trap-induced decoherence, allowing us to achieve single-qubit coherence times of up to 250 ms. In this talk I will present our realization of controlled dipole-mediated exchange of excitations between neighboring molecular qubits with an exchange time of order 1 ms at a separation of 2 𝜇m, and discuss how these coherent rotational interactions can be used to generate entanglement for quantum information and simulation experiments.