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RSI Mini-Workshop on Imaging the Rhizosphere

Thursday, October 15, 2020
9:00am to 11:00am
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  • Internal Event

About the Workshop

As a follow-up to Caltech's Rhizosphere Workshop (Sept. 14-16), this mini-Workshop focuses on state-of-the-art methods used to image the rhizosphere. Workshop goals include helping attendees get up-to-speed on the latest technologies used for this purpose, and identifying opportunities for innovations in rhizosphere imaging that would help answer questions about rhizosphere dynamics important for sustainability (e.g., soil C-balance, water and nutrient retention).

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Day 1: Thursday, October 15, 2020

9:00 AM | Introduction by Professor Changhuei Yang, Caltech
9:10 AM | Talk 1: Christopher Topp, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
9:40 AM | Talk 2: Peter Kim, Sandia National Laboratories
10:10 AM | Talk 3: Ryan Tappero, Brookhaven National Laboratory
10:40 AM | Discussion

Day 2: Wednesday, October 21 2020

12:00 PM | Talk 1: Hassina Bilheux, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12:30 PM | Talk 2: Patrick El-Khoury, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory