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Quantum Matter Seminar

Monday, December 11, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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East Bridge 114
Magnetization oscillations in a kagome spin liquid candidate: evidence for fermionic spinons and emergent gauge field
Patrick Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Recently Lu Li's group has observed a magnetization plateau at 1/9 in a kagome spin liquid candidate and magnetization oscillations near the plateau. (arXiv: 2310.07989) I will discuss the data and our attempt to interpret them in terms of Fermionic spinons subject to a gauge magnetic field. The basic effect was predicted by Lesik Motrunich in 2006 for spin liquids near the Mott transition. Interestingly the present material is a robust insulator with a large charge gap, making the observation of quantum oscillations even more surprising.

For more information, please contact Tracy Mikuriya by email at [email protected].