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Postdoctoral Math Seminar

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
6:00pm to 7:00pm
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Linde Hall 387
Passing from analysis to algebra to geometry - an example in representation theory of real groups
Alexander Yom Din, Department of Mathematics, Caltech,
I will try to do the following, on the example of SL_2 (R): Talk about the Casselman-Jacquet module - a basic tool in the representation theory of real groups encoding asymptotics of matrix coefficients. Perform an analytic calculation of the Casselman-Jacquet module of a principal series representation. Explain, in brief, how one passes from the analytic setting to an algebraic one, and then to an (algebro-)geometric one. Indicate how to redo the analytic calculation above in this latter setting.
For more information, please phone 626-395-4335 or email [email protected].