Physics and Geometry Seminar
Using Manolescu's observation that the symplectic manifolds used to define symplectic Khovanov homology are Hilbert schemes of points on Milnor fibres of A_n singularities, I will construct a partial compactification of these spaces. Then, I will explain how this compactification gives rise to a Hochschild cohomology class of degree one, which induces a second grading on Lagrangian Floer homology groups, and implies formality of the subcategory by applying an abstract criterion due to Seidel. Time permitting, I will then explain how one can further use Wehrheim-Woodward and M'au's theory of A-infinity functors induced by Lagrangian correspondences to prove the formality of the cup and cap functors in symplectic Khovanov homology. This is joint work with Ivan Smith.