LIGO Seminar
After the LIGO interferometer collects data, there is a lot of work to be done before astrophysical results can be quoted. I will discuss aspects of my Ph.D. research that span the gravitational-wave science workflow. The first step is to construct the interferometer strain, h(t), from the LIGO differential arm loop error and control signals. This effort is known as calibration and is often broken into two efforts: frequency domain and time domain calibration. I will discuss in detail the methods and progress of the advanced LIGO time domain calibration effort.
The next step towards interesting astrophysics is to search the strain data for gravitational-wave signals. I will discuss a search for sub-solar mass black hole binary systems in initial LIGO data, which is a computational problem with interesting correlations to the advanced LIGO binary neutron star search.
Finally, given a gravitaitonal-wave detection, astrophysical statements can be made. I will briefly discuss work I have done on aLIGO's ability to discern a detection's consistency with conjectures believed to be true in general relativity.
We plan to broadcast this talk using SeeVogh.