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LIGO Seminar

Thursday, January 8, 2015
1:00pm to 2:00pm
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West Bridge 265
Towards Neutron Star Multimessenger Astronomy: A Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves from Fermi-LAT Unassociated Sources in LIGO S6 Data
Jax Sanders, Graduate Student, University of Michigan,

Gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars are interesting sources for advanced ground-based gravitational wave detectors. Observations of these signals have the potential to advance many ongoing problems in pulsar astronomy, including the discovery of radio-quiet pulsars.

I discuss ongoing work on a fully coherent directed search for continuous gravitational waves in LIGO S6 data, targeting a subset of unassociated sources from the Fermi 2FGL catalog selected by spectral characteristics and high galactic latitude. This search demonstrates a framework for using gravitational wave searches of unidentified gamma-ray objects, including sources with coarse position uncertainty, to detect new pulsars in our galaxy.

We plan to broadcast this talk using SeeVogh.

For more information, please contact Sydney Meshkov by email at [email protected].