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IST Lunch Bunch

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 105
Medicine, Math, and Computing
Marie Csete, President & Chief Scientist, Huntington Medical Research Institutes,

The most prominent initiatives coming out of NIH this last year have to do with "precision medicine" based on the promise of electronic health records and big data science to inform clinical care.  Physicians with deep clinical insights have no idea how to talk to computer scientists and visa-versa, and progress in extracting information from clinical information is dependent on dialog between these communities.  "Deep phenotyping" of patients is critical in finding patterns in big data as well as the success of the clinical trials enterprise, and this requires deep clinical understanding.  This talk will focus on examples of opportunities for the communities of physician-scientists and quantitative scientists to make progress on real-world problems in medicine, emphasizing local programs.

For more information, please contact Diane Goodfellow by phone at 626-797-2398 or by email at [email protected].