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IST Lunch Bunch

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Add to Cal
Annenberg 105
Algorithmic Challenges for Greening IT
Adam Wierman, Assistant Professor, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Caltech,
Modern systems must trade off traditional performance goals with energy concerns, e.g., running faster lowers delays but increases power usage. However, while there are well-developed theories and models for discussing computation, communication, and memory demands of algorithms/systems, a theory for discussing the energy efficiency of an algorithm/system is only developing. In this talk, I will describe some recent work toward this goal, which focuses on dynamic capacity provisioning in data centers. Specifically, I will describe work that investigates (i) how much can be saved by dynamically "right-sizing" the data center through managing the number of active servers and (ii) how "geographical load balancing" can be used to make efficient use of renewable sources in Internet-scale systems. In both contexts I will present our new algorithms, which provide significantly improved performance guarantees when compared with the "standard" approaches using Receding Horizon Control. Additionally, if time allows, I will briefly discuss the our recent progress toward the implementation and evaluation of these algorithms in industry data centers.
For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by phone at x2813 or by email at [email protected] or visit