High Energy Physics Seminar
Online Event
UV/IR Mixing and the Hierarchy Problem
Seth Koren,
University of Chicago,
The persistence of the hierarchy problem points to a violation of effective field theory expectations. A compelling possibility is that this results from a physical violation of EFT, which may arise from correlations between UV and IR physics---as is broadly demanded by gravity. I will discuss Noncommutative Field Theory as a toy model of UV/IR mixing, where an emergent infrared scale is generated from ultraviolet dynamics. I'll explore a variety of such theories to develop a picture of how this feature appears, and to glean lessons to guide the realization of UV/IR mixing in more realistic theories.
Join the meeting via: https://caltech.zoom.us/j/85343130214?pwd=enlSdzJsUUo2dFl6RGJJTFZia2NqQT09.
Meeting ID: 853 4313 0214
Passcode: 474141
For more information, please email [email protected] or visit https://www.theory.caltech.edu/seminars/high-energy-physics-seminars.
Event Series
High Energy Physics Seminar Series