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High Energy Physics Seminar

Monday, December 5, 2011
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Lauritsen 469
Dissipative effects in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation
Diana Lopez Nacir, Univ of Buenos Aires,
In this talk I will summarize a recent article arXiv:1109.4192v1 [hep-th] (co-authors: R. Porto, L. Senatore, and M. Zaldarriaga) where we generalized the effective field theory (EFT) of single clock inflation proposed in JHEP 0803:014 (2008) to include dissipative effects. After some motivations and a brief summary of the EFT of inflation I will describe the inflationary scenarios we focus on and how we include the influence of additional degrees of freedom (ADOF) on the dynamics of the perturbations of the clock (which we called $\pi$ field) within the EFT framework. Then, I will discuss under which circumstances a large friction term of the form $\gamma\dot{\pi}$ leads to an increased level of non-gaussianities.
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