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German Film: Die Letzte Brücke

Friday, February 23, 2018
7:30pm to 9:00pm
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Baxter Lecture Hall
Movie screening for German 130b & 132b // In German with English subtitles

Die Letzte Brücke "The Last Bridge" // 1954 // Directed by Helmut Käutner

Starring:  Maria Schell, Bernhard Wicki, Barbara Rütting.

A young German doctor is stationed at a field hospital in the Balkans during World War II. Yugoslavian partisans kidnap her. She first tries to escape, but her duty as a doctor makes her stay. When typhoid breaks out in the partisans' camp, she smuggles the much-needed medication out of the German field hospital. The bridge separating the enemy camps becomes a poignant symbol for the senselessness of the war. One of the first German language film dealing with the war experience from a humanitarian, anti war, angle.  Multiple prize winner in Cannes and other film festivals. The launch of Schell's and Wicki's film career.

Irony of history: This historical bridge was destroyed in the Croatian/Bosnian war in 1993. And recently rebuilt with UNESCO help.

All interested are welcome!

NOTE FOR VISITORS: Enter South (Ramo) end of building across pond and walk up stairs – for elevators enter North end on "grass" side – Somebody will be there should doors be locked and direct you to the lecture hall.

For more information, please contact Fran Tise by phone at 626-395-3609 or by email at [email protected].