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GALCIT Colloquium

Friday, January 9, 2015
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Guggenheim 133 (Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall)
Translating Landau-Rumer Processes to an Ultrasonic Stereo for the Hard of Hearing
Seth Putterman, Professor, Physics and Astronomy, UCLA,

By applying the quantum theory of phonons to a dielectric Landau and Rumer calculated the attenuation of an impressed sound wave. Westervelt showed that this formula actually follows from classical nonlinear fluid mechanics/ theory of elasticity. I will describe a highly direction stereo system invented by Elwood Norris that can be interpreted in terms of Landau Rumer processes applied to traveling waves that are launched by ultrasound transducers. This means of generating music appears to be very effective for the hard of hearing.

For more information, please contact Esteban Hufstedler by email at [email protected].