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Free California Nonresident Tax Workshop for Foreign Nationals

Thursday, April 5, 2018
4:00pm to 6:00pm
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California State Tax Overview & Preparation for Nonresidents

Gary Engler, CPA, provides line-by-line instruction on how to complete 2017 California nonresident tax returns. The California tax return is based on your U.S. federal return. This seminar is free to the Caltech and JPL international community, but Mr. Engler is a fee-for-service provider. If you decide to retain him to assist with your taxes, you will need to discuss his fees with him directly.  To get the most value out of this seminar, have the following with you:

*Completed U.S. federal tax return (Use Sprintax to prepare your 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ)

*540NR Long Form - see page 41

*California Adjustments CA (540NR) - see page 45

*California Tax Tables - see page 83

*Income documents (W-2, 1042-S, 1099, etc.) from California

*Income documents for income from non-California sources in 2017, income earned while you were overseas, or in another U.S. state, before you moved to California. You can calculate the exchange rate by taking the average of the exchange rate at the start and end of the year.


For more information, please visit