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Dix Planetary Science Seminar

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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South Mudd 365
Terrestrial Planet Geophysics: InSight@Mars, VERITAS@Venus
Sue Smrekar, Senior Research Scientist, JPL,

This double feature will provide an overview of InSight, a geophysical station currently operating on Mars, and the proposed orbital mission, VERITAS, to Venus. InSight's goals are to determine the interior structure and thermal state of Mars, as well as present day tectonism. The lander touched down on Mars nearly 1 year ago, delivering a seismometer, a heat flow probe, and geodesy experiment. Over 200 small seismic events have been recorded. The geodesy and heat flow experiments are still in work. The supporting payload consists of wind, temperature and pressure sensors, as well as a magnetometer, radiometer, and two cameras. VERITAS's objectives are to search for evidence of past and present water, to elucidate Venus' tectonic and volcanic processes, interior structure, and current geologic activity. This mission would provide global high resolution topography, radar imaging, surface rock type and Fe oxidation state, higher resolution gravity, and targeted interferometric deformation maps.

For more information, please contact Shreyas Vissapragada by email at [email protected].