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Dish & Discuss #14

Monday, April 16, 2018
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Avery Dining Hall
Trafficking in the 21st Century

The theme for Dish & DIscuss during Third Term is "Explore the World."

Human trafficking can be seen as a form of modern-day slavery where humans are traded for a range of purpose – forced labor, sexual slavery, and/or commercial exploitation. Come discuss the broad range of implications for global initiatives to end trafficking.

The Caltech/JPL Community is invited for a workshop series (lunch is provided!) on a variety of topics intended to increase cultural intelligence, engage critical discourse, and provide 
an inclusive space for the exploration of diverse identities, thoughts, and interests.

For more information, please contact the Diversity Center by phone at 626-395-6207 or by email at [email protected].