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Dish & Discuss

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Avery Dining Hall
Why Social Justice?
Hanna Song, Senior Director for Diversity, Office of the Probost, Caltech,

Come join us for our first Dish and Discuss* session on Social Justice! Our first workshop is on defining social justice and what that really means in our society. How do institutions like education, healthcare, law enforcement, and other social policies create and/or persist societal inequalities for various marginalized communities? What can we do to address these issues within our own worlds and roles?
*Dish and Discuss is a campus-wide workshop series (lunch is provided!) on a variety of topics intended to increase cultural intelligence, engage critical discourse, and provide an inclusive space for the exploration of diverse identities, thoughts, and interests.*

Please RSVP on the Caltech Center for Diveristy website

For more information, please contact Marlene Moncada by phone at 616-395-6207 or by email at [email protected].