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Data Visualization Summer Internship Program Final Presentations

Thursday, August 4, 2016
3:30pm to 5:00pm
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Please join us for the culmination of this unique summer experience, a collaborative project between Caltech, JPL, and Art Center College of Design. The intensive 10-week summer R+D internship program brings together faculty and researchers from Caltech, JPL and Art Center to develop custom-built interactive data visualization tools for current science and engineering research at Caltech and JPL.


Spacecraft Trajectory Design Tool
PIs: Jeffrey Stuart & Sott Evans, JPL Mission Design Navigation Group |MD Nav
Problem: How might high-dimensional trajectory design problems be made more tractable?
Solution: Our visual tool offers intuitive interaction with 3D and 2D representations of trajectories with quantitative data query options.

Glacier Ice Flow
PI: Mark Simons, Caltech Geophysics, SeismoLab
Problem: How can the movement of ocean tides and inland Antarctic ice streams over varying timescales be accurately represented visually?
Solution: Our tool generates a unified visualization of velocity in space and time and supports exploration of quantitative data.

PI: Mitch Guttman, Caltech Biology
Problem: How can the 3D structure of DNA be better represented support exploration of new relationships to its other functions?
Solution: Visualizing the genome in 2D and 3D our interactive platform allows users to select and compare structures of interest at varying resolutions.


Andrew Cox
Matthew Edwards
Aprameya Mysore
Peter Polak

Program Organizers

Scott Davidoff, JPL
Maggie Hendrie, Art Center
Hillary Mushkin, Caltech
Santiago Lombeyda, Caltech


For more information, please contact Hillary Mushkin by email at [email protected].