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CMA presents "Revolution, Evolution, and Rock 'n' Roll"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
4:45pm to 6:00pm
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Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO, Gibson Guitar Corporation,

Throughout history, the sound of music has been dramatically altered through engineering breakthroughs. Join us as Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar Corporation, walks us through some of those pivotal moments. He will also give us a peek into the company that became famous for creating guitars for some of the most renown artists of our time, including Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Jimmy Page, Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond, Buddy Holly, Neil Young, and Bob Dylan.

Juszkiewicz will raffle off a brand new Firebird X guitar at this event. You must be present to win.

Juszkiewicz has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from General Motors Institute and an MBA from Harvard. At Gibson, he is credited with turning around the financially troubled company in 1986, restoring the company's reputation for quality as well as returning it to profitability.

This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Because of security requirements, Campus personnel and retirees without JPL badges must be processed through JPL Visitor Control and escorted by a JPL employee or resident affiliate for access to the Flight Projects Center auditorium.

For more information about this event, please send e-mail to [email protected]; or contact Dan Goods, [email protected], who can also assist with Visitor Control.

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For more information, please contact Dan Goods by email at [email protected].