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CMA presents "The Hidden Dimensions of Architecture and Engineering Design"

Monday, July 18, 2016
4:40pm to 6:00pm
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Frank Gehry, renowned architect,
Rob Manning, Engineering Fellow, JPL,
Raul Polit-Casillas, spacecraft engineer, JPL,

A Panel Discussion Featuring Frank Gehry

The art of going from a notional vision of a system to a fully realizable design is called "architecting." For an architecture to be realizable over its lifetime, it has to conform to many demands. Not only does it need to conform to the vision and its ultimate purpose, it needs to adhere to a world of requirements: affordability, reliability, legality, operability, simplicity, analyzability, testability, understandability, accessibility, manufacturability, and repairability, among many others. Ultimately, the architectures that "hang together" in many or all of these dimensions evoke a sense of elegance and beauty. Please join us as Frank Gehry and JPLers Rob Manning and Raul Polit-Casillas discuss examples of design and architecture, and the importance of a well-thought-out design.

Over a five-decade career, Frank Gehry has designed award-winning public and private buildings in America, Europe, and Asia. An Engineering Fellow, Rob Manning has been designing, testing, and operating robotic spacecraft for 35 years, including Galileo, Cassini, and Magellan. Raul Polit-Casillas is a space architect and engineer with 15 years of interdisciplinary design experience, and is one of the founders of the JPL Atelier concept-prototyping process.

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This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Individuals without JPL badges must have a Lab employee or resident affiliate submit a visitor request and be their escort. Foreign-person visitor requests must be submitted at least four working days before the event, and U.S.-person visitor requests at least two working days before the event. For more information, contact Rob Manning at (818) 393-7815 or [email protected]. Or email [email protected].

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