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CGSC Chemistry Career Seminars

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
Non-Traditional Career Opportunities for PhD Chemists
Pierre Grosdidier, PhD '86, CHE; JD; HaynesBoone Counsel, HaynesBoone Houston,

Join us for the kickoff of this year's chemistry career seminar series! The CGSC Chemistry Careers Seminar Series is designed to highlight possible career paths for PhD chemists, with an emphasis on non-traditional careers. Our first speaker is Pierre Grosdidier, PhD, JD, a CCE alumni who uses his engineering background to litigate complex technical issues at Haynes and Boone, LLP. His talk will focus on his career pathway and how his PhD experience at Caltech played a role in his success as a lawyer. The seminar will be held from 4-5pm on Tuesday, January 9th in the BI Audiotrium. Cookies and coffee will be served. There will also be several opportunities for individual students or small groups to meet with Pierre and his colleague throughout the day. Please contact the CGSC student reps ([email protected]) to discuss availability.

For more information, please contact Janny Manasse by phone at 626-395-1530 or by email at [email protected].