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Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
2:30pm to 3:30pm
Add to Cal
Building 15, Room 131
Isoperimetric shapes in supercritical bond percolation
Julian Gold, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University,
We study the isoperimetric subgraphs of the infinite cluster $\textbf{C}_\infty$ of supercritical bond percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^d$, $d \geq 3$. We prove a shape theorem for these random graphs, showing that upon rescaling they tend almost surely to a deterministic shape. This limit shape is itself an isoperimetric set for a norm we construct. In addition, we obtain sharp asymptotics for a modification of the Cheeger constant of $\textbf{C}_\infty \cap [-n,n]^d$, settling a conjecture of Benjamini for this modified Cheeger constant. Analogous results are shown for the giant component in dimension two, with the caveat that we use the original definition of the Cheeger constant here, and a more complicated continuum isoperimetric problem emerges as a result.
For more information, please contact Mathematics Department by phone at 626-395-4335 or by email at [email protected].