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Alpine Club Talk

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
7:00pm to 8:00pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
The John Muir Trail
Ron Barry, Southern California Mountaineers Association,

SCMA Members Ron Barry and his wife, Terry Mulcahy, will give a slide show on grandeur and grit on the John Muir Trail. This trip was on their bucket list for many years.

This iconic passage had never progressed beyond idle talk. After Terry's mountain-biking accident, and the resulting knee surgery and rehab that followed, they felt it was time to get it done--not to mention a good test for the new knee. Neither of them had done a backpacking trip of this scale before. Their sorties into the backcountry usually consisted of slogging heavy packs to a base camp for a couple of days of climbing.  The JMT would be different. This would be done fast and light, over twelve high passes in twenty days with heaps of sublime beauty, angst and grit, and Irish whiskey for sunsets. Come join them as they retell the journey, step by step, through the Range of Light.

The talk will be followed by a reception with free refreshments.

For more information, please contact Cody Finke by email at [email protected].