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15th International Conference on Complex Acute Illness

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Sunday, August 14, 2016
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This meeting brings together intensive care/trauma physicians with research scientists, systems biologists, and quantitative scientists from mathematics, physics and computer science. The sponsoring organization, Society for Complex Acute Illness (SCAI), was formed to foster cross-disciplinary interactions and bring quantitative approaches to understand complex, acute disease processes such as sepsis and trauma.

The meeting is highly interactive and suited to Caltech students and faculty from a variety of backgrounds—including computer science, engineering, and applied mathematics—who are interested in medical applications.

The preliminary program and registration information can be found at:

The 15th International Conference on Complex Acute Illness is being co-hosted by Caltech (Professor John Doyle) and Huntington Medical Research Institutes (Marie Csete MD, PhD).