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Seminar and Reception with Cheryl Dartt

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
4:00pm to 5:00pm
Add to Cal
Noyes 153 (J. Holmes Sturdivant Lecture Hall)
Embracing the Crooked Path
Cheryl Dartt, Director of Analytics, Facebook,

Women in Chemistry are pleased to announce that Caltech alumna and Director of Analytics at Facebook, Dr. Cheryl Dartt, will be joining us for a coffee hour & seminar with Q&A followed by a reception with appetizers and drinks.

Title: Embracing the Crooked Path
Where: Noyes 153 for Seminar (Schlinger Courtyard for Reception)
When: Tuesday October 23rd at 4PM Seminar (5PM Reception)
FB Event Link:


Women in Chemistry is devoted to acknowledging and elevating the experiences of women in STEM and specifically, the broad field of chemistry & technology. As a Director of Analytics at Facebook and PhD in Chemical Engineering, Dr. Cheryl Dartt can provide insights on career paths in industry and utilizing your PhD away from the bench. This event is open to all members of the Caltech community; we especially welcome chemists and chemical engineers of every flavor and perspective, and all supporters of women in STEM.

Dr. Dartt will be walking us through her career journey and her switch from fundamental science research to applied technology and management to demonstrate how a PhD in science can open up numerous career opportunities that are not limited to traditional jobs in industry or academia.