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High Energy Physics Seminar

Monday, November 4, 2019
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Lauritsen 469
Breakdown of the naive parton model in Super-Weak-Scale Collisions
Matthew Baumgart, Arizona State University,

I will show that for observables which involve the measurement of weak charge in final states in hadronic collisions, the standard parton model picture breaks down at scales well above the weak scale due to non-factorizable electroweak corrections at leading order in the power expansion. This implies that the resummation of these factorization-violating logarithms, which start at order α_s^2 α_W^2 log^4(Q^2/M_W^2), cannot be accomplished solely by following standard DGLAP evolution equations; other techniques will be needed to systematically sum large logarithms.

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